At the moment, 90% of my life is spent in "Judyland."

Never heard of it? Of course you haven't. It's not about you.
It's about me. ME!
The majority of my thoughts and actions are related solely to how I'm going to get from A to B to Z on my life checklist.
That is all.
In my defense, I am not married. I do not have children or pets. So, no one is being neglected.
Now, before you dismiss me, let me share what I do with the remaining 10%.
I give.
For example, every other month I donate a crocheted lap blanket (handmade by me) to a local hospice for terminally ill adults and children. The program - known as CAPS - is supported by the South Bay Auxiliary, of which I am a member.
It doesn't cost me anything but my time, which I happily give. They provide the yarn. I get creative. (Bonus: I can do it while watching the Housewives!)
Presentation is important. Considering the circumstances of my recipients, my first priority is "pretty." Then "happy." I want to use my hands to bring joy to what remains of their life.

When I see them this week at CHA, I intend
to beg them to open a store in Los Angeles.
Once I've decided on a pattern, I think color.
I challenge myself not to make the same blanket twice.

It's a commitment that doesn't feel like one!
On the third Wednesday of the month (every other month for me due to my schedule), the blankets are turned in. Beach Cities Health District (our headquarters) provides us with a nice catered lunch and all of us ladies swap stitches and compliments, share neighborly news (not gossip!), and generally enjoy each other's company.
I donate my time for other Auxiliary activities, as well as outside projects such as last year's coat and toy drive at my j-o-b.

I live in So. California. I don't own a coat.
So, I made a hat & scarf set instead.
Giving is good. I like it. Will keep doing it. And recommend you try it.
Plus, it let's me escape (temporarily) from Judyland.
