I. A New Record
VirtueRadioNetwork.com has been updated. I actually got the site up with only a 2-day delay. Not bad. Normally, I'm at least a week late. Here's a peak at some of this month's content:
Yes, there's more. Go to http://www.virtueradionetwork.com
II. Back to School - Week Two
I am learning so much in my web design class. For several years I made excuses as to why I should not take this course. Money, lack of time, could teach myself, money. Now that I am almost 2-weeks deep, I realize that some things you just have to pay for. Should pay for. Although, taking this course is putting a squeeze on my budget, I know it will benefit me long term. So you'll hear (or read) no grumblings from me.
III. The "B" Word
Guess what was in my inbox this week? An e-newsletter I subscribe to had an interesting guest article this week. It was on creative burnout. Yes, the "B" word, b-u-r-n-o-u-t. Symptoms: (a) you can't remember the day of the week; (b) all you want to do is stay in bed, eat potato chips and watch "24" on Netflix; (c) you're pissed off a lot; and (d) you just want to get a steady job that pays the bills, lets you eat out and go to the movies once in a while, and own a condo at the beach. Oops, am I telling on my self?

I've actually been planning a WOMEN CREATE episode on burnout. But, funny thing, no one wants to talk about it. Perhaps we don't like admitting that we can't do it all. I'm always amazed at how some people are able to post on Twitter or Facebook all day long. I'm like, don't they have a life? I can barely post a single blog entry each week. It used to make me feel like I was doing something wrong. But then I learned that most of them hire virtual assistants to do their social media or worse, some actually don't have a life. Well, I intend to write my own status updates and blog posts. However, I won't jeopardize my health to do it. So, you get it when you get it.
Here's a link to the article.
This concludes my report for the week ending September 17, 2010.

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